Abstract (croatian) | Pokušavajući dati doprinos rasprava o intelektualnim pretpostavkama one značajne promjene u načinu naziranja i odnošenja spram svijeta što je nastupila sredinom 17. stoljeća s prvim začecima matematički utemeljene prirodne znanosti, posegnuli smo za djelima Zadranina Federika Grisogona, astrologa (astronoma), liječnika, matematičara i filozofa, koji je predavao na Padovanskom sveučilištu i bio ugledna osoba u talijanskim intelektualnim krugovima toga. doba (prva polovica 16. stoljeća).
Kako je u spomenutim raspravama posebno aktualiziran problem metafizičkih pretpostavki razvoja moderne znanosti, napose povezan s određenjem uloge obnovljenog interesa renesansnih mislilaca za platonizam i neoplatonizam, nastojali smo iz Grisogonovih djela, u kojima se ovaj u bavljenju problemima matematike deklarira sljedbenikom Pitagore i Platona, sagledati značajke njegova pristupa i time djelomično i pristupa matematičkom iz okvira renesansnog platonizma odnosno neoplatonizma. Pri tom smo, konstatirajući u Grisogona značajke takva pristupa, u kojem je matematičko još tematizirano• u okviru filozofijsko-teologijske problematike, ali istodobno upućuje već u nekim elementima na nov pristup (podređivanje, svega što jest broju ti konstatiranje mogućnosti promatranja svega što jest sub specie quantitatis, uvjerenje da brojčani odnosi jednoobrazno važe za svijet, dakle i za sublunarnu sferu, premda posredno preko utjecaja nebeskih tijela, isticanje korisnosti matematičkog znanja i mogućnosti njegove primjene na fizičke fenomene, aktualirziranje onog postupka u matematici kojim se apstrahira od svega osjetilnog kao znanstvenog postupka par excellence), došli do zaključka, da upravo činjenica što se u razdoblju od 1400. do 1600. mogu konstatirati postupne promjene u stavovima i pristupu matematematici, o čemu svjedoči i Grisogonov primjer, svjedoči o tome, da onaj pristup matematici, što nastupa sredinom 17. stoljeća, po kojem će ono matematičko važiti za same stvari, a što ujedno predstavlja značajnu promjenu u tumačenju i doživljavanju svijeta, a ne samo stvar unutrašnjeg razvoja matematike i njenih postupaka, ima svoje pretpostavke upravo u tom
razvoju. |
Abstract (english) | In hopes of contributing to debate on ,the intellectual conditions leading to the significant change in the way of perceiving and relating to the world that came about in the mid-17th century with the first strides in mathematically founded natural scence, we turned to the works of Federic Grisogono from Zadar, an astrologist (astronomer), physician, mathematician and philosopher, who taught at the Padua University and was a prominent figure in. Italian intellectual circles of the day (first half of the 16th century).
Since the problem of metaphysical assumptions for the development of modem science in these debates, particularly related to determination of the role of revived interest of Renaissance thinkers for Platonism and Neoplatonism, we considered Grisogono's works, who declares himself when dealing with mathematics problems to be a follower of Pythagoras and Plato, from the point of view of the characteristics of their approach and thus partially the approach to the mathematical from the framework of Renaissance Platonism and Neoplatonism. We established characteristics of these approaches in Grisogono's work, where the mathematical is treated within the framework of philosophical and theological problems, but there are good indications of certain elements of a new approach (subjection of everything there is to the number, and establishing the possibility of 'observing 'all that is as »sub specie quantitatis«, the conviction that numerical relations apply uniformly to the world, and therefore for ,the sublunar sphere, although indirectly through the influence of heavenly bodies, emphasis on the utility of mathematical knowledge and the possibility of applying it to physical phenomena, realizing 'the procedure in mathematics with which the sensory is abstracted from everything as a scientific procedure par excellence). In the course of this work we came to the conclusion that the very fact of gradual change in the attitude towards and approach to mathematics in the period from 1400 -to 1600, which Grisogono’s example is proof of, testifies to the fact that the approach to mathematics in ascendence in the mid-17th century, treating, the mathematical as an object unto itself, which represents an important change in interpretation and experience of the world and not merely an aspect of the internal development of mathematics and its procedures, has its roots, in that very development. |