Sažetak (hrvatski) | Na temelju sustavnoga istraživanja tezarija javno branjenih na hrvatskim filozofskim učilištima od 1745. do 1844. utjecaj Boškovićeve prirodne filozofije ustanovljen je u 51 tezariju, a popis boškovićevaca među profesorima na hrvatskim filozofskim učilištima sada sadržava 19 imena: tri isusovca, dva pavlina, devet franjevaca, jedan profesor na Riječkoj akademiji i četiri profesora na Zagrebačkoj akademiji. Ti su tezariji proučeni s obzirom na ključne Boškovićeve filozofeme: teoriju silā, nauk o počelima tijelā, nauk o prostoru i vremenu, gledište o inerciji, primjenu teorije silā na opća svojstva tijelā i kemijske operacije, odnos prema Newtonovim zakonima gibanja i prema Newtonovu zakonu opće gravitacije te na tvrdnje o naravi svjetlosti, vatre, elektriciteta i magnetizma. U njima je usporedno istražena uporaba Boškovićeva filozofskog nazivlja. Prvi su put uopće obrađeni tezariji: Antuna Pilippena iz 1770, Mirka Mihalja iz 1772, Kandida Šošterića iz 1774, Aleksandra Tomikovića i Luigija de Capuana iz 1776, Antuna Kukeca iz 1780, Terencijana Buberleéa i Andrije Zerarda Švagelja iz 1781, Antuna Šuflaja iz 1807, 1812, 1818, 1828. i 1829. Te Kerubina Csepregyja iz 1809.
Boškovića je prvi među isusovcima slijedio Antun Pilippen 1770. u Zagrebu, među pavlinima Kandid Šošterić 1774. u Čakovcu, među franjevcima Aleksandar Tomiković 1776. u Baji, na Riječkoj akademiji Luigi de Capuano 1776, a na Zagrebačkoj akademiji Antun Kukec bar od 1780. Prvi tezarij s odjekom Boškovićeve teorije silā objavio je Antun Pilippen 1770, a posljednji Antun Šuflaj 1829. godine. Šuflaj je objavio čak 19 tezarija s boškovićevskim tezama. Utjecaj Boškovićeve teorije silā redovito je zabilježen u tezarijima iz opće fizike, a puno rjeđe u tezarijima iz posebne fizike. Metafiziku su, u skladu s Boškovićevim naukom o počelima tijelā i prostoru, izlagala samo tri profesora: Mirko Mihalj 1772. u Zagrebu, Terencijan Buberleé 1781. u Požegi i Kerubin Csepregy 1809. u Varaždinu.
Dvije su tradicije u izlaganju Boškovićeve teorije silā prekinute odlukama vlasti: među isusovcima u Zagrebačkom kolegiju 1773. i među franjevcima u Provinciji sv. Ivana Kapistranskoga 1783. Po kontinuitetu u naučavanju Boškovićeve prirodne filozofije među hrvatskim filozofskim učilištima prednjači Kraljevska akademija znanostī u Zagrebu (Regia Academia scientiarum Zagrabiensis), državno učilište utemeljeno 1776. godine, na kojem su Antun Kukec, Juraj Šug, Gabrijel Valečić i Antun Šuflaj ostvarili neprekinutu pedesetogodišnju tradiciju predavanja fizike, koja je uključivala dva temeljna Boškovićeva filozofema: nauk o neprotežnim supstancijama ili bićima kao metafizičkim počelima tijelā, dakle uz izbjegavanje izvornih Boškovićevih nazivaka, i zakon uzajamnih sila. |
Sažetak (engleski) | On the basis of systematic research into the examination themes publicly defended at Croatian philosophical schools between 1745 and 1844, the influence of Boscovich’s natural philosophy has been established in fifty-one of them, while the list of Boscovichians among the professors at the Croatian schools of philosophy at the time includes nineteen names: three Jesuits, two Paulists, nine Franciscans, a professor of the Rijeka Academy, and four professors of the Zagreb Academy. These thesauri have been studied in view of Boscovich’s key philosophemes: the theory of forces, the doctrine on the principles of bodies, the doctrine on space and time, his view of inertia, the application of the theory of forces to the general properties of bodies and to chemical operations, his approach to Newton’s laws of motion and to the law of universal gravitation, and his tenets concerning the nature of light, fire, electricity, and magnetism. The thesauri have enabled a comparative study of the use of Boscovich’s philosophical terminology. The thesauri of the following authors have been studied for the first time: Antun Pilippen (1770), Mirko Mihalj (1772), Kandid Šošterić (1774), Aleksandar Tomiković and Luigi de Capuano (1776), Antun Kukec (1780), Terencijan Buberleé and Andrija Zerard Švagelj (1781), Antun Šuflaj (1807, 1812, 1818, 1828, 1829), and Kerubin Csepregy (1809).
Boscovich’s first Jesuit follower was Antun Pilippen in Zagreb in 1770, the first among the Paulists was Kandid Šošterić in Čakovec in 1774, the first Franciscan follower was Aleksandar Tomiković in Baja in 1776, Luigi de Capuano at the Rijeka Academy in 1776, and Antun Kukec at the Zagreb Academy from 1780 at least. The first thesauri reverberating with Boscovich’s theory of forces was published by Antun Pilippen in 1770, the last by Antun Šuflaj in 1829. Šuflaj had published as many as nineteen thesauri with Boscovich’s theses. The influence of Boscovich’s theory of forces is regularly present in the thesauri dealing with general physics, and to a lesser degree in those concerned with particular physics. Metaphysics, in concordance with Boscovich’s doctrine on the principles of bodies and on space, was expounded by three professors only: Mirko Mihalj in Zagreb in 1772, Terencijan Buberleé in Požega in 1781, and Kerubin Csepregy in Varaždin in 1809.
Two traditions of the expounding of Boscovich’s theory of forces were broken by the authorities’ decisions: among the Jesuits at the Zagreb Collegium in 1773 and among the Franciscans in the St. John of Capistrano Province in 1783. With regard to continuity in teaching Boscovich’s natural philosophy at Croatian schools of philosophy the Zagreb Royal Academy of Sciences (Regia Academia scientiarum Zagrabiensis) took precedence, while the state school founded in Zagreb in 1776, at which Antun Kukec, Juraj Šug, Gabrijel Valečić, and Antun Šuflaj maintained an unbroken fifty-year tradition of teaching physics that included Boscovich’s two fundamental philosophemes: the doctrine on nonextended substances or beings as the metaphysical principles of bodies, therefore avoiding Boscovich’s original terminology, and the law of mutual forces. |