@article{ifzg:1243, author = {{Restović, Ivan}}, title = {{Feminist Logic, Literally}}, } @article{ifzg:1040, author = {{Restović, Ivan}}, title = {{Umjereni iracionalizam Alberta Bazale}}, } @article{ifzg:1047, author = {{Restović, Ivan}}, title = {{Brouwer's Notion of 'Egoicity'}}, } @book{ifzg:1043, author = {{Restović, Ivan}}, title = {{Pojmovno-logička struktura Brouwerove filozofije}}, } @article{ifzg:1048, author = {{Restović, Ivan}}, title = {{Marcin Będkowski, Anna Brożek, Alicja Chybińska, Stepan Ivanyk, and Dominik Traczykowski (Eds.), Formal and Informal Methods In Philosophy}}, } @inbook{ifzg:1042, author = {{Restović, Ivan}}, title = {{Why Not Fuzzy Logic?}}, } @phdthesis{ifzg:179, author = {{Restović, Ivan}}, title = {{Logičko pojmovna struktura Brouwerova intuicionizama}}, } @article{ifzg:183, author = {{Restović, Ivan}}, title = {{Misticizam i logička struktura u Brouwerovoj teoriji “izlaska svijesti”}}, } @article{ifzg:182, author = {{Restović, Ivan}}, title = {{The First Decade of the Logic of Change LCG}}, } @article{ifzg:175, author = {{Restović, Ivan}}, title = {{Kaarlo Jaakko Juhani Hintikka (1929.–2015.)}}, } @article{ifzg:176, author = {{Restović, Ivan}}, title = {{Pluralizam logika i pluralitet pluralizama}}, } @article{ifzg:177, author = {{Restović, Ivan}}, title = {{Michael J. Loux, Metafizika: suvremen uvod}}, } @article{ifzg:178, author = {{Restović, Ivan}}, title = {{Složenost jednostavnosti}}, }