@inbook{ifzg:550, author = {{Rossi Monti, Martino}}, title = {{Il Paradiso senza di noi. Immagini della natura al tempo della pandemia}}, } @article{ifzg:540, author = {{Rossi Monti, Martino}}, title = {{Un altro giro. Meteorologia e teorie dell’eterno ritorno tra Medioevo e Rinascimento}}, } @article{ifzg:555, author = {{Rossi Monti, Martino}}, title = {{Il rumore delle noci}}, } @article{ifzg:539, author = {{Rossi Monti, Martino}}, title = {{In the Name of the Virus. Intellectuals and the Pandemic}}, } @inbook{ifzg:548, author = {{Rossi Monti, Martino and Pećnjak, Davor}}, title = {{Introduction}}, } @inbook{ifzg:546, author = {{Rossi Monti, Martino and Bondì, Roberto}}, title = {{Prefazione}}, } @inbook{ifzg:1081, author = {{Boršić, Luka}}, title = {{The Petrić-Bottrigari Controversy over Tetrachords: A Renaissance Debate on the Basis of the Musically Beautiful}}, } @inbook{ifzg:547, author = {{Rossi Monti, Martino}}, title = {{The Slaughterhouse and the Smiling Fields. On Pain and Beauty of Nature Between Newton and Darwin}}, } @book{ifzg:551, title = {{What is Beauty? A Multidisciplinary Approach to Aesthetic Experience}}, } @article{ifzg:554, author = {{Rossi Monti, Martino}}, title = {{A. Bonchino, Materie als geronnener Geist. Studien zu Franz von Baader in den philosophischen Konstellationen seiner Zeit, Baaderiana vol. I (Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh, 2014); Franz Von Baader, Jugendtagebücher 1786–1793. Mit Vorwort und kritischem Kommentar, Baaderiana vol. II, ed. by A. Bonchino, A. Franz (Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh, 2017); Aufklärung und Romantik als Herausforderung für katholisches Denken, Baaderiana vol. III, ed. by A. Bonchino, A. Franz (Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh, 2015)}}, } @article{ifzg:174, author = {{Rossi Monti, Martino}}, title = {{Paulus Scalichius His thought, sources, and fortune}}, } @article{ifzg:538, author = {{Rossi Monti, Martino}}, title = {{Paulus Scalichius. His Thought, Sources, and Fortune}}, } @inbook{ifzg:545, author = {{Rossi Monti, Martino}}, title = {{Predgovor hrvatskom izdanju}}, } @book{ifzg:1057, author = {{Vidmar, Iris and Šegedin, Petar and Kožnjak, Boris and Skuhala Karasman, Ivana and Boršić, Luka and Baković, Franko and Rossi Monti, Martino and Pećnjak, Davor and Smokrović, Nenad and Anić, Zvonimir}}, title = {{Uloga i mjesto filozofije u suvremenom društvu}}, } @article{ifzg:537, author = {{Rossi Monti, Martino}}, title = {{"Vedranno colui che hanno trafitto". Sulla fortuna di una tradizione escatologica}}, } @book{ifzg:552, author = {{Rossi, Paolo}}, title = {{A mio non modesto parere. Le recensioni sul Sole 24 Ore}}, } @inbook{ifzg:544, author = {{Rossi Monti, Martino}}, title = {{Introduzione}}, } @inbook{ifzg:542, author = {{Rossi Monti, Martino}}, title = {{Strah od mreže. Novi problemi u starom svjetlu}}, } @inbook{ifzg:543, author = {{Rossi Monti, Martino}}, title = {{The Mask of Grace. On Body and Beauty of Soul between Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages}}, } @inbook{ifzg:541, author = {{Rossi Monti, Martino}}, title = {{Patnje mladog Giulija. Bilješke o Cvijeti Zuzorić, Torquatu Tassu i Giuliju Mostiju}}, } @article{ifzg:553, author = {{Rossi Monti, Martino}}, title = {{Francesco Verde, Epicuro (Roma: Carocci, 2013)}}, } @article{ifzg:536, author = {{Rossi Monti, Martino}}, title = {{Il carcere, la tomba, il fango. Sulla fortuna di alcune immagini da Platone all’età di Plotino}}, }